Really, Time Warner Cable? Is this how you promote your YNN channels? I'd rather watch CNN. #notwatchingcnn
— John Fucking Rabon (@johnrabon) June 18, 2013
Nevermind, @twc. Imus in the Morning is on. I'm going to not watch that instead.
— John Fucking Rabon (@johnrabon) June 18, 2013
(Seriously, though, fuck TWC. And Imus.)
— John Fucking Rabon (@johnrabon) June 18, 2013
Now on YNN Sports: Babe Winkelman's Good Fishing - Fishing tips; celebrity guests; angling equipment. Almost got me, TWC. Almost.
— John Fucking Rabon (@johnrabon) June 18, 2013
Looking for real news, I surf past CNN where John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin feature an alarm clock that shreds dollar bills. #thisjustin
— John Fucking Rabon (@johnrabon) June 18, 2013