Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We Can't Stop Here...this is DQ Country...

In line at Dairy Queen. The woman in front of me was charged incorrectly on her credit card. They then credited that purchase back to her card then charged her the right amount. A line formed because she wants to make sure the kid at the register understands something that she clearly does not.

Lady: You should have just given me the change because now the bank is going to take out another $50 for the second purchase. I get the money back, but it's still a pain to wait for it. They did that to me at the gas station. I had to talk to my bank because I got gas and I just figured I only spent $12, but I couldn't make another purchase later...

I try to make eye contact with the kid working who hasn't said a word since the lady started talking. He's zoned out like he has a brain slug from Futurama under his hat. card had actually expired so they confiscated it but they ended up giving it back. But then a week later is when I got gas again and the same thing happened and I had to tell my bank. I forgot why they take that out but they told me at the bank that they do, so when you do another charge, that takes another $50 out which is kind of inconvenient. I just want you to know that because that could happen to someone else.

She waits a second for a reaction from Ruprecht the Monkey Boy, who stares blankly at her. I am not more irritated with this fast food zombie than with her at this point. Someone behind me sighs.

Lady: So...I'm just saying that you should have just given me the change because It's going to be $100 now...and like I said, I don't know why they do it, but my bank explained it to me...

Alright...Here we go.


Lady: ...And I...what?

Me: Certain companies put an additional preauthorization on credit card purchases for fraud protection, they claim. It's to ensure that the cardholder actually has the funds for the purchase. Some gas stations started doing this because people were getting gas on credit, then pulling the money out before the charge cleared. Can...

Lady: Okay yeah that's what the bank said with the extra charges...

Me: Yes, they reserve the money, and then it drops off within a couple of days depending on your bank's policy. But none of that is relevant or really matters, because Dairy Queen doesn't do additional preauths, ma'am. No fast food joint does. If they did, broke people like me wouldn't eat here and they'd tank.

Lady: But they should still give change in the future...

Me: Businesses don't usually give cash back on credit card purchases because that opens the doors for people to scam them with stolen credit cards or just with getting cash on credit lines...

Lady: Who does that? I mean, really...

Me: I would've 6 months ago for quick cash if it were possible. Now I'm on the straight and narrow, trying to do right...and I need a fucking chicken finger basket.